
Monday 13 October 2014

Vegetable - Ash Gourd - Health Benefits

Ash Gourd

  1. Brain Food :In Ayurveda, ash-gourd is also used as brain food – to treat mental illnesses and nervous disorders such as epilepsy, paranoia, and insanity.
  2. Healthy blood pressure :Ash-gourd is loaded with nutrients. It’s an excellent source of vitamin B1 (thiamine), a good source of vitamin B3 (niacin), and vitamin C. It is also rich in many minerals like calcium. Its high potassium content makes this a good vegetable for maintaining a healthy blood pressure.
  3. Ayurvedic Element :In Ayurveda and other traditional eastern medicine, ash-gourd is used as a general tonic for its restorative properties.
  4. Treats Diabetes :Ash-gourd is alkaline in nature and hence has a cooling and neutralizing effect on stomach acids and as such used effectively for treating digestive ailments like hyperacidity, dyspepsia, and ulcers. Ash-gourd juice is a popular home remedy for peptic ulcers. Ash-gourd juice is also used to treat diabetes.
  5. Treats Respiratory Disorders :Ash-gourd is also useful in treating respiratory disorders like asthma, blood-related diseases, and urinary diseases like kidney stones.
  6. Treats Dandruff :Every part of this vegetable is useful. Ash-gourd leaves are rubbed on bruises to heal them, while the seeds are used for expelling intestinal worms. The ash made from burning the rind and seeds are mixed with coconut oil and used to promote hair growth and to treat dandruff.
  7. Cure for ailments :Ash Gourd is a good element for curing many ailments.
    1. Peptic Ulcers :It is an efficient remedy for curing peptic ulcer. Ash gourd juice mixed with equal quantities of water should be consumed in the morning on an empty stomach. There should be a gap of about two to three hours before any food is consumed. This juice is also beneficial in the inflammation of alimentary canal.
    2. Bleeding :It is used to stop profuse bleeding from nose and lungs. Ash gourd acts like a blood coagulant. The fresh juice of ash gourd should be mixed with a teaspoon of lime juice or amla juice for relief in conditions like piles and haematuria, a disease wherein blood cells are seen in urine.
    3. Intestinal worms :Seeds of ash gourd should be shelled and mixed with coconut milk. They are beneficial in promoting tissue growth and expelling tape worm and other parasitic worms from the stomach.
    4. General weakness : Pulp of ash gourd is boiled in water and sugar syrup is added to it to make it an edible mixture. This sweet pulp is useful in gaining weight, improves the efficiency of heart, produces heat in the body, and reduces tuberculosis and anaemia.
    5. Dandruff : The seeds and the peel of ash gourd should be boiled in coconut oil and applied to hair which prevents dandruff, dryness of the scalp and promotes hair growth.
    6. Mouth ulcers :Gargling with the juice of ash gourd is beneficial in protecting the life of the teeth and gums. It reduces mouth ulcers and bleeding of gums as well.
    7. Thyroid :Regular consumption of ash gourd juice is beneficial in reducing symptoms related to thyroid disorders.
    8. Cough and cold : Consumption of ash gourd juice and pulp regularly will help to reduce common cold, cough, bronchitis, sinusitis and influenza. It is also beneficial in curing chronic asthma.
    9. Medicinal Values :The peel of ash gourd is useful for the patients of diabetes and the paste of its seeds is effective in treating tapeworms. Ash gourd is very much in use in areas, which are near open places or a forest because its juice is effective in case of snakebite and other insect bites.
    10. Weight Loss :Ash gourd is beneficial for those who want to reduce their body weight. It is a low calorie vegetable and is a rich source of potassium, iron, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, magnesium, vitamin C and B6, riboflavin, thiamine, amino acids, sodium, and dietary fiber. Due to its nutritious value, you can lose your weight without the loss of health. The sweet dish made of ash gourd, which is well known as petha, is very useful for those who want to increase their weight. It is good for treating the patients of anemia. The recipe of petha is very simple. To make it, you should boil ash gourd in sugar syrup for 30 minutes.
To know More about this Vegetable, Click Here :

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